I'm a nerd who loves all things design - CS4, books about layout, websites (yes, that killed me a little to write website instead of Web site - thanks AP). So at work day I've been working on our new website and it's basically like Christmas.
Seriously - ask my boss or Nikki. (Editors Note: I really want to refer to her as preggos. She's the cutest Pregnant woman I've ever seen but the name may take away from her position of Emperor of Communications)
Sorry to digress. Anyway, I've been working on our new website, specifically the recipe section. And I've decided I'm going to make pork this week!

What do you think about Hoppin' Havanero and Honey Pork Chops?

Or maybe Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato Wraps?
I'm salavating just thinking about these. I don't know if I can wait to go to Homeland after work - I might have to sneak out of the office and find that Hot Dog Cart!
Wish me luck!
I've been admonished for "preggers".